Monday, May 5, 2008

Happy Monday Morning

I'm willing to bet most of you reading this are just getting to work. Way to be productive guys. Anyhow, today is Cinco De Mayo and this is important for two reasons. One, I've been saving up to celebrate. Two, it has now been a month since I've worked. That should help you settle into Monday a little better.

Let me catch you up on the last few days. I stayed in Portland on Thursday. I spent most of the day driving around the city getting lost. I went the wrong way on a one-way street and really annoyed a local. Good stuff. When I woke up on Friday, I took Schuchard's and Lyndi's advice and went to visit the Columbia River Gorge. The river serves as the border between Oregon and Washington.

Gracie and I are becoming quite the hikers. Although, on this particular day I sprained my ankle on one of the trails. Reversing half a mile on a bum ankle is not fun. After spending the day being moody, I ended up in Seattle. True to its reputation, it was a rainy Friday night. Saturday I went to the fish market.

These guys jammed. Video to come

Today I woke up and visited Mount Rainier. It was another day that allowed me to see all four seasons in one day.

Look what Gracie found

There is one theme that has shown its face a few different times during my travels so far. Well, a few actually, but one I am going to tell you about right now. Some of the best things you'll see are down roads you didn't plan on taking. Here's what I found.


Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures! I hope I can see it for myself sometime. Hope your ankle is ok. How's the doggy?

Brooke & Freeland said...

ouch.. no good messing up the ankle... again. The pictures are great! Are you still in Seattle?